Frequently Asked Questions
Can I nominate a business to enter?
Yes. Nominations and registrations for the 2025 Geelong Business Excellence Awards are now open.
Click Here for more information
You do NOT need to be nominated to enter the program.
Can I nominate a business leader or young entrepreneur?
Yes. Nominations are now open for the 2025 Geelong Business Excellence Awards.
You do not need to be nominated to enter the program.
Click Here to enter the 2025 program.
How does it work?
Entries for the 2025 Geelong Business Excellence Awards open on May 1.
Click here to understand the Business Entry process.
Click here to understand the Individual Entry process.
Please note: You do not need to be nominated to enter.
When do entries open and close?
Entries are now open for the 2025 Geelong Business Excellence Awards program on May 1
Entries close at 4pm on Friday 11 July.
How can I write a winning entry?
We encourage all entries, Business, Business Leaders and Young Entrepreneurs, to attend an Information Session.
At the Information Session you will:
- Hear from past winners & judges as they share their insights and experiences;
- Gain valuable tips on how to write a successful submission;
- Learn more about the program including key dates and entry criteria;
- Discover how participating in the awards can elevate your business profile and drive growth.
We will host five Information Sessions in early May.
Registrations for the Information Session can be found here.
How do I know if I or my business are eligible to enter?
Click Here to understand who is eligible to enter the awards.
Who is eligible to enter the awards?
Click here to understand the reasons why you should enter.
How do I enter the Awards?
Entries for the 2025 Geelong Business Excellence Awards open 1 May.
We encourage all businesses and individuals who are entering to attend one of five Information Sessions.
Event information can be found here.
Click here to understand the Business Entry process.
Click here to understand the Individual Entry process.
What is the word count?
The word count is strictly 2500 words. If you exceed the word count, your entry will be ineligible.
How big can my attachments be?
The online entry form allows you to upload up to 15MB per attachment.
Attachments are included in the word count. Descriptions to graphs and tables are not included in the word count.
Can I get assistance in completing the awards criteria?
If you are a first time business entrant or never been a finalist of the Geelong Business Excellence Awards, you have the opportunity to have your submission reviewed by an appointed review judge. This is a complimentary service.
Click Here to understand how to use the review service.
We also encourage all entrants to attend an Information Session. You can find the event link here
What is the closing date for entries?
Entries for the 2025 Geelong Business Excellence Awards 4pm, 11th of July 2025.
Can I mail or email my entry?
No. Entries will not be accepted by mail or email. The entry must be submitted online.
Click here to enter.
Are there any fees to enter the Geelong Business Excellence Awards?
No. The awards are free to enter.
How do we enter our business?
Entries for the 2025 Geelong Business Excellence Award open 1 May. You do not need to be nominated to enter.
We encourage all entrants to attend an information session. Here you will learn how to win the best business awards in the region. Click here for more information.
Click here to understand the Business Entry process.
Click here to understand the Individual Entry process.
Do all the questions have to be answered?
Yes. The Judges score each answer individually and the entries are often referred back to during the awards process. You should therefore consider all questions carefully, and ensure to detail all your business achievements.
Please ensure to read the judges tips before entering.
What happens after I enter?
For the 2025 Business Entrants, judges will review all entries and select the finalists for each category. Each finalist is required to undertake a site tour for further judging. Site tours will commence from the 11 August to 10 September.
For Individual Entrants, judges will review all entries and select the finalists.
All finalists will be required to sit an interview on Friday 8 August between 9.00am to 5.00 pm.
All finalists, families and networks are invited to the awards presentation event on Thursday 30 October 2025.
Tickets will be available to purchase in August 2025.
Will all entries become finalists?
No. Judges will eliminate entries based on areas such as an incomplete entry, exceeding word count, inability to meet the awards criteria or unsuitable eligibility requirements.
How do I know if I have been selected as a finalist?
All finalists will be announced on this website and social media platforms on Thursday, 31 August 2025.
You will also be notified by the Awards team if you become a finalist. The awards team will then book in a site visit time or interview.
How do I know if I become a winner?
There will be an Awards Presentation evening on Thursday 30th of October 2025 where all winners will be announced and acknowledged.
Tickets will be available to purchase in August 2025.
Can I enter both Business Leader of the Year and Young Entrepreneur of the Year categories?
Yes, you can.
Do I need to be affiliated with an awards sponsor to enter?
No. This will not affect the judging process.
Can an entrant win more than one award?
Yes. It’s possible that any given business could win multiple awards.
What type of photos do I need to upload?
Business Entrants: It’s important that we have news-ready photos, should we promote your business. You will need to supply us with minimum of 1 High Resolution (minimum 1 MB or larger) JPEG images. We prefer photos of your team.
Individual Entrants: You will need to supply us with 1 High Resolution Colour profile photo (minimum 1 MB or larger, JPEG format).
Who judges the entries?
Representatives from a variety of industries and associations who have experience or an understanding of businesses are involved in the judging of all entries.
The judges will treat all entry information professionally and sign confidentiality agreements before judging commences.
If any conflicts of interest exist, the judge concerned will not be able to read your entry.
Click here to view the judging panel for 2025.
What do the Judges look for in an entry?
Our judges are looking for concise answers that are relevant, accurate and honest.
They are wanting to get an understanding of the business principles, philosophies and practices.
For example: Describe your plans and visions for the future. How did your business become successful?
A winning entry is often one with well-considered answers accompanied with evidence. Ensure to validate your statements by using stats/graphs, industry benchmarks, testimonials etc.
Click here to read the judges tips.